Saturday, May 4, 2013

Imitation perfumes and poor quality fragrance products


All products around the world are imitated, especially the best ones in the field of perfumes became easy tradition most perfumes are at the forefront of sales, to do so, the producers to do to protect formulations of their own, so most combinations perfumes are highly confidential, but unfortunately there are in each area 

in tradition, so the old ways, such as keep formulation secret no longer helpful
And now, the complexity of the formulation is the most common thing, and to imitate of a complex product there will be a lot of processing defects, and in perfumes defects be the big difference between the original product and the imitator product, the imitator product is unsatisfactory to the customer and there are many ways to produce traditional imitation fragrances, and till now they invented new ways to fight the imitate of perfume.

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