applying perfume..
Different type of skin plays a
role in how to apply the perfume, dry skin retain scents much less than oily
dry-skinned need to apply perfumes in most times more than once per day.
Perfume intensity increases
with temperature, perfume that are used in the summer differ from
perfume used
in winter, there are perfumes appropriate for each season of the
year, so light perfume are used in the
summer and strong perfume used in winter,
And also as skin type makes difference in how to apply the
perfume, hair color makes
difference too, use of perfumes differs with a different hair color.
Perfume affected by the
increase in heat, so heat destroys perfume, perfumes
don’t last forever, but there are
ways to keep them from damage, perfume bottle
is saved in a dark, dry place and low temperature, also
prefer to put perfume
in the refrigerator
When buying perfume make sure
of the date of production because the perfume lasts about three years or less